Statistics endpoint

There are some statistics in the API root.

Example: Root API

Statistics JSON response

This will return a JSON with the following format:

  "error": 0,
  "message": "This is a text example.",
  "data": null,
  "stats": {
    "products": {
      "core": "123",
      "plugins": "123",
      "themes": "123"
    "vulnerabilities": {
      "cve": {
        "core": "123",
        "plugins": "123",
        "themes": "123"
      "jvn": {
        "core": "123",
        "plugins": "123",
        "themes": "123"
      "patchstack": {
        "core": "123",
        "plugins": "123",
        "themes": "123"
      "wpscan": {
        "core": "123",
        "plugins": "123",
        "themes": "123"
      "wordfence": {
        "core": "123",
        "plugins": "123",
        "themes": "123"
    "core": "123",
    "plugins": "123",
    "themes": "123",
    "php": "123",
    "apache": "123",
    "nginx": "123",
    "mariadb": "123",
    "mysql": "123"
  "behindtheproject": {
    "sponsors": [{
      "name": "Sponsor name",
      "url": "",
      "image": ""
       "name": "Sponsor name",
       "url": "",
      "image": ""
  "updated": 123456789

Statistics JSON description

  • error: If there is an error, the value will be 1. If there is no error, it will be 0.
  • message: In case of error, an information message will be displayed.
  • data: Data information group.
  • stats: Data information group.
    • stats → products: Vulnerabilities in each content type.
      • stats → products → core: Different core versions affected.
      • stats → products → plugins: Different plugins with vulnerabilities.
      • stats → products → themes: Different themes with vulnerabilities.
    • stats → vulnerabilities: Each source of data.
      • stats → vulnerabilities → cve: CVE vulnerabilities.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → cve → core: CVE vulnerabilities for core.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → cve → plugins: CVE vulnerabilities for plugins.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → cve → themes: CVE vulnerabilities for themes.
      • stats → vulnerabilities → jvn: JVN vulnerabilities.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → jvn → core: JVN vulnerabilities for core.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → jvn → plugins: JVN vulnerabilities for plugins.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → jvn → themes: JVN vulnerabilities for themes.
      • stats → vulnerabilities → patchstack: Patchstack vulnerabilities.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → patchstack → core: Patchstack vulnerabilities for core.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → patchstack → plugins: Patchstack vulnerabilities for plugins.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → patchstack → themes: Patchstack vulnerabilities for themes.
      • stats → vulnerabilities → wpscan: WPScan vulnerabilities.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → wpscan → core: WPScan vulnerabilities for core.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → wpscan → plugins: WPScan vulnerabilities for plugins.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → wpscan → themes: WPScan vulnerabilities for themes.
      • stats → vulnerabilities → wordfence: Wordfence vulnerabilities.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → wordfence → core: Wordfence vulnerabilities for core.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → wordfence → plugins: Wordfence vulnerabilities for plugins.
        • stats → vulnerabilities → wordfence → themes: Wordfence vulnerabilities for themes.
    • stats → core: Vulnerabilities impacting the core. One vulnerability may impact one or more core versions.
    • stats → plugins: Vulnerabilities impacting plugins. One vulnerability may impact one or more plugins.
    • stats → themes: Vulnerabilities impacting themes. One vulnerability may impact one or more themes.
    • stats → php: Vulnerabilities impacting PHP. One vulnerability may impact one or more PHP versions.
    • stats → apache: Vulnerabilities impacting Apache HTTPD. One vulnerability may impact one or more Apache HTTPD versions.
    • stats → nginx: Vulnerabilities impacting nginx. One vulnerability may impact one or more nginx versions.
    • stats → mariadb: Vulnerabilities impacting MariaDB. One vulnerability may impact one or more MariaDB versions.
    • stats → mysql: Vulnerabilities impacting MySQL. One vulnerability may impact one or more MySQL versions.
  • behindtheproject: People / Companies behind the project.
    • behindtheproject → sponsors: (array) List of sponsors.
      • behindtheproject → sponsors → name: Sponsor name.
      • behindtheproject → sponsors → url: Sponsor URL.
      • behindtheproject → sponsors → image: Sponsor logo / image.
    • behindtheproject → contributors: (array) List of contributors.
      • behindtheproject → contributors → name: Contributor name.
      • behindtheproject → contributors → url: Contributor URL.
      • behindtheproject → contributors → image: Contributor logo / image.
  • update: Last information update (UNIXTIME).