Core endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a core version, you have to make a call including the core version.
Plugins endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a plugin, you have to make a call including the plugin slug.
Themes endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a theme, you have to make a call including the theme slug.
PHP endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a PHP version, you have to make a call including the major PHP version (or the minor one). The response will include all vulnerabilities for this major version.
Apache HTTPD endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of an Apache HTTPD version, you have to make a call including the major Apache HTTPD version (or the minor one). The response will include all vulnerabilities for this major version.
nginx endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a nginx version, you have to make a call including the major nginx version (or the minor one). The response will include all vulnerabilities for this major version.
MySQL endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a MySQL version, you have to make a call including the major MySQL version (or the minor one). The response will include all vulnerabilities for this major version.
MariaDB endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a MariaDB version, you have to make a call including the major MariaDB version (or the minor one). The response will include all vulnerabilities for this major version.
ImageMagick endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a ImageMagick version, you have to make a call including the major ImageMagick version (or the minor one). The response will include all vulnerabilities for this major version.
curl endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a curl version, you have to make a call including the major curl version (or the minor one). The response will include all vulnerabilities for this major version.
memcached endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a memcached version, you have to make a call including the major memcached version (or the minor one). The response will include all vulnerabilities for this major version.
Redis endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a Redis version, you have to make a call including the major Redis version (or the minor one). The response will include all vulnerabilities for this major version.
SQLite endpoint
To get the vulnerability information of a SQLite version, you have to make a call including the major SQLite version (or the minor one). The response will include all vulnerabilities for this major version.
Statistics endpoint
There are some statistics in the API root.
Last updates endpoint
This API endpoint is only available with APIkey (for sponsors). If you need a list of the last updates (in core, plugins, or themes) there are 3 API routes to check the newest data.